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K-12 OER Videos 

Multiply K-12 OER Project. BOLT (Blended & Online Teaching) Multi-authored Blog, Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University.

Through a series of interviews and direct examples, a panel of teachers from Alberta describe their use of open educational resources to create their own open communities of learners. Follows the first four attributes of Bronwyn Hagerty’s model of open pedagogy. 

K-12 OER Podcasts

Multiply K-12 OER Project. BOLT (Blended & Online Teaching) Multi-authored Blog, Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University.

Includes a discussion of the eight attributes of Bronwyn Hagerty's model of open pedagogy: Participatory Technologies; People, Openness & Trust; Innovation & Creativity; Connected Communities; Sharing ideas & Resources; Learner Generated Contributions; Reflective Practice; and Peer Review.

 Introduction to Open Pedagogy & Practice, Aug 24, 2021

Krysta McNutt, University of Alberta Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

In this video, Krysta McNutt, Open Education Lead, provides a brief review of literature informing open pedagogies. This session was provided for the Open Pedagogy Community of Practice on August 24, 2021. 

Introduction to Open Pedagogy and Practice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Others are welcome to adapt and share with attribution. 

Opening Up Copyright

University of Alberta

A suite of instructional modules on understanding copyright for U of A staff, students, faculty, and the general public. The project aims to develop not only a community of OER users but also a community of contributors.

Open Washington Open Educational Resources network

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.

Comprehensive general introduction to many aspects of OER. *Copyright information is American*. Use the Opening up Copyright resource (below) for a detailed look at Canadian Copyright and OER.

Library Copyright Alliance (LCA) Principles for Copyright and Artificial Intelligence

Short statement (June 2023) outlining the position that existing U.S. copyright is sufficient to deal with emerging questions around Generative AI and copyright. Includes brief detail on training AI with copyrighted material and also comments on the output.