Find & Build OER

Find OER

New to OER? Wanting to grow your practice? Start by searching for relevant topics and adapting/revising what you find. Take note of the license type and source.

OER Repositories (Multiple-subject OER collections; searchable by grade level, subject etc.)






English Language Arts


Public Domain

Build OER: Use Open Images, Video, Audio 

Creating lessons/units/resources you want to freely distribute? Using openly licensed/public domain images, text, and media means you don't have to get permission from content owners or create everything from scratch. Follow the terms of the open license and provide attribution.

Search Engines/Search Tools

Image Search

Video Search

Audio/Music Search


 The list above is adapted from Where can K-12 Teachers Look for OER?  by Yin-Chan Janet Liao in Section 2.9 of the K-12 Educational Technology Handbook, shared under a CC BY licence.  The content used here is reorganized under new headings; more detail is added to some descriptions.